Go n Getz

What is Go N Getz System?

A cashless payment system easy, fast and safe. Also included is a student attendance record system where each student's attendance is recorded electronically at the school entrances. All the costs of installing the infrastructure, system and student card and are fully prepared by G&G Softech Sdn.Bhd. The KPM, JPN, PPD & SCHOOLS do not need to incur any costs for the preparation of this program in schools.

Module of the system consist of:
Go N Getz Consumer
Go N Getz Smart School
Go N Getz Merchant
Go N Getz Cashless
Go N Getz System

Functions of The System


Everything you need with our system

Here’s why you need GO N GETZ’s system as your educational platform.


Can monitor child attendance

Managing child expenses

Can monitor child achievement


Improve student performance

Can manage online learning


Expand the company

Expanding commercial networks

Go N Getz Consumer

Monitor expenses and attendance.

Go N Getz Consumer

Go N Getz Smart School

Student management, learning and social systems.



Ease the routing attendance process by eliminating manual and erroneous inputs with easy to use attendance management.

    Easy Attendance Taking

    Attendance By Class

    Configurable Attendance Sheets

    Configurable Alerts

    Detailed Reporting

    Bio Matric Integration

Time Table

Time Table

Schedule session, inform students and faculties all with just a few clicks and one single screen.

    Add, Update and Delete Data

    Scheduling Based on Subject

    Intuitive & Effective Scheduling

    Scheduling Based on Class

    Instant Notification



Organize and manage classrooms with equipment and facilities required for giving best classroom sessions.

    Scheduled Booking

    Attendance List

    Allocation To Courses



Schedule forum group, sharing current issue all with just a few clicks and one single screen.

    Discussion Platform

    Sharing Knowledge

    Exchange Current Issue

Go N Getz Merchant

Monitor daily sales report.

Go N Getz Merchant
Go N Getz Cashless

Go N Getz Cashless

Buyers are given a Go N Getz card that has multiple functions and one of which is intended for payment.
Merchants such as canteens, bookstores and school cooperatives are provided with payment terminals.
The buyer only needs to touch the card to the payment terminal and the transaction is completed in less than 5 seconds.
Detailed records of sales can be found in the 'merchant' system.

Go N Getz System

Go N Getz System





Strict security system

Parents can set daily spending limits

No annual charge

Avoid money theft

Record child expenses efficiently

Attendance record can be checked directly


Simple attendance system

Improve the quality of students

Online interaction with parents

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative: 5% of net income is donated to schools

Efficient cooperative sales management


Simple attendance system

Improve the quality of students

Online interaction with parents
